~7th Guest Reviewed by Dynamo and X ------------------------ Reviewed on: 486 66Mz SVGA 8 Mb RAM This is one the best presented and developed point and click puzzle games for along time and is a credit to trilobyte. One of the first high powered CD-ROM games which set a high standard for the following games running on this hardware. The game is stored over 2 CD’s containing approx. 8 Gigs part of which is a sound track recorded for the game. The reason for the large storage is partly due to the 45 minutes of motion picture displaying in the games clues to the user so progress can be made on the puzzles in the house. The long intro. of motion pictures explains the game to the new user but from a practical point of view a tip to avoid the intros. save your first game and access this when logging on to the game a second time because starting a new game will force you sit through the intro. The puzzles can be hard be the first few the computer give you are relatively easy but as you continue the puzzles become harder. There is an option, though, which allows the user to get the puzzle solved for you by the computer. To do this you have to go to the library three times and look in the book. The games requires a lot of power on the hardware side, but to run the game it is well worth spending on it. The CD has a soundtrack on which you can listen to on you your PC or your CD player. The tracks itself are pretty good, and some can be really funny. The graphics are amazing. For a game that needs minimum requirements of 486 SX the graphics are stunning. There is about 45 minutes of full action motion picture. The actors and actresses can be annoying at times even though they are supposed to help you. The music can also get on your nerves after a while, the repetitive music while solving puzzles will soon irritate but the simple thing to do is turn the sound down. Once you are in the game it is hard to get out of it. It is very addictive, the puzzles will keep you going because you begin to want to solve the puzzles. Once all the puzzles have been solved you will get the feeling that the ending had been rushed. The ending of the game is very disappointing. After you have solved some hard puzzles and battled your way through the game the least you would expect is a crap ending. Once you have completed the game though a nice touch to the game is opened. It is called 'Open House'. You can go to any puzzle in the house and solve it again for no apparent reason. Overall a brilliant game and a must for all P.C. owners. ~Available through Cheet Sheets Mail Order service for 8.99. ~See CD-ROM Products under ARTICLES Section.